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Expectations were justified. E. Sokolovski, one of the co-authors of these essays, a composer, a member of the Union of Composers of Moscow, who took an active part in the master classes of S. Filatov-Bekman, created several works according to the author's method of the scientist. We place these works in a separate essay, since they are united by one common principle that distinguishes them from the plays shown in the previous essays. They contain independent musical material that reflects the individual style of the composer, and fragments of computer sound lines are only interspersed in the fabric of the works.
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The pieces created by the students were regularly accumulated. While gathering the material, S. Filatov-Beckman paid attention that the quality of the pieces created on the basis of the computer lines and constituting the fund of mathematical music was steadily increasing.
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As already mentioned, one of the forms of the students’ creative work on mathematical music was the arrangement of previously written pieces for another instrumental ensemble. This form of work was very fascinating for the students, since the original text of the pieces changed significantly during the transcriptions, especially in terms of musical form, texture, rhythm, and even more of timbre. This is how the piano Scherzo (first version) was transcribed for an ensemble of percussion instruments and piano (second version).
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The students repeatedly listened to the “Barcarolle” and “Waltz” in two versions for piano, the “Invention” for a trio of wind instruments, and the “Scherzo” for piano. One day, one of the young musicians, a pianist who attended the course of S. Filatov-Beckman and, according to the scientist, is a very gifted person (there is a corresponding record in the archive), decided to create mathematical music for the piano trio himself.
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For some time, the students pondered the decision to create a piece that would include polyphonic devices, but would not be composed in a fugue form. S. Filatov-Bekman again turned to the composer Elena Sokolovski for advice.
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Category ID: 22

The students actively worked, composing the polyrhythmic polyphony – new interesting examples constantly appeared, and some young musicians were especially fascinated by the polyphony exercises. The entire material of the exercises was naturally based on the fragments of the sound lines. There occurred separate remarkable experiments, in particular, one piece appeared, completely built on the basis of a fragment from line No. 2. It applies numerous techniques of the imitation polyphony and theme transformations. Let's consider it in detail.
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For several years, different groups of students have been composing mathematical music in three directions: the creation of new sound tracks, new editions of piano pieces previously composed by students, and the creation of new works.
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Along with constant extensive teaching activity at two professional music universities in Moscow, aimed at developing the creative potential of the students on the basis of mathematical music, S. Filatov-Beckman continued to actively engage in the scientific research in the field of his discovery. The purpose of this work was to obtain more and more new geophysical data. This expressed the mathematical component of the scientist's activity.
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The master class, which was organized for the students, yielded great results. The young musicians closely observed the process of composing mathematical music in the form of a piece emerging from the sounds of a computer line «before their eyes», and participated in this process in the most active way, asking questions and giving advice.
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The second and third essays analyzed how the fragments of a sound line acquire melodic contours due to the modifications. However, these examples, which have not yet received a finished musical form, were quite insufficient for writing even small pieces. Therefore, S. Filatov-Beckman and composer Elena Sokolovski again decided to arrange a master class for the students.
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Despite the real successes in creating monophonic melodies with the genre features, the students have not yet mastered the creation of a developed polyphonic fabric. Therefore, S. Filatov-Beckman and E. Sokolovski again organized a master class on creating the polyrhythmic polyphony and introducing young musicians to various polyphonic techniques.
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